Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) 지표
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Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) 지표
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VPC 환경에서 이용 가능합니다.
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL 서비스의 성능/운영 지표(메트릭) 관련 정보를 안내합니다. 성능/운영 지표는 네이버 클라우드 플랫폼의 Cloud Insight 서비스를 통해 통합 관리할 수 있으며, 다양한 모니터링에 활용이 가능합니다.
성능/운영 지표를 모니터링에 활용하는 방법은 Cloud Insight API 가이드를 참조해 주십시오.
기본 정보
성능/운영 지표를 활용하기 위한 Cloud DB for PostgreSQL 서비스의 기본 정보는 다음과 같습니다.
- 상품 이름(
)- System/Cloud DB for PostgreSQL(VPC)
- 상품 키(
)- 697075916651761664
성능/운영 지표
Cloud DB for PostgreSQL 서비스의 성능/운영 지표는 다음과 같습니다.
- Metric
Metric name Data type Unit Metric type Description Interval Aggregation cpu_user FLOAT % Basic, Default CPU user(%) Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG cpu_sys FLOAT % Basic CPU kernel(%) Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG cpu_iowait FLOAT % Basic CPU iowait(%) Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG cpu_total FLOAT % Basic, Default CPU Used : (total cpu time - idle time) / (total cpu time) *100 Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG cpu_load_1 FLOAT avg Basic, Default Load avg 1min Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG cpu_load_5 FLOAT avg Basic Load avg 5min Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG cpu_load_15 FLOAT avg Basic Load avg 15min Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG mem_used FLOAT % Basic, Default Memory used(%) Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG swap_used FLOAT % Basic Swap used(%) Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG nic_tx FLOAT bytes/sec Basic NIC send bytes per sec Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG nic_rx FLOAT bytes/sec Basic NIC receive bytes per sec Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG nic_total FLOAT bytes/sec Basic, Default NIC total bytes per sec Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG disk_usage FLOAT bytes Basic, Default Disk usage of "/data" Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG disk_read FLOAT bytes/sec Basic Disk I/O Read bytes Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG disk_write FLOAT bytes/sec Basic Disk I/O Write bytes Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG disk_total FLOAT bytes/sec Basic, Default Disk I/O Total Byte Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG active_session_count INTEGER gauge Basic, Default Active session count of pg_stat_activiy Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG total_session_count INTEGER gauge Basic Total session count of pg_stat_activity Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG tup_returned LONG counter Basic, Default Number of rows returned by queries in this database Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG tup_fetched LONG counter Basic, Default Number of rows fetched by queries in this database Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG tup_inserted LONG counter Basic, Default Number of rows inserted by queries in this database Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG tup_updated LONG counter Basic, Default Number of rows updated by queries in this database Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG tup_deleted LONG counter Basic, Default Number of rows deleted by queries in this database Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG temp_bytes LONG count Basic Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG deadlocks LONG count Basic Number of deadlocks detected in this database Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG conflicts LONG count Basic Number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database. Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG xact_commit LONG count Basic, Default Number of transactions in this database that have been committed Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG xact_rollback LONG count Basic Number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG access_share LONG count Basic Access share lock count Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG row_share LONG count Basic Row share lock count Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG row_exclusive LONG count Basic Row exclusive lock count Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG share_update_exclusive LONG count Basic Share update exclusive lock count Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG share LONG count Basic Share lock count Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG share_row_exclusive LONG count Basic Share row exclusive lock count Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG exclusive LONG count Basic Exclusive lock count Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG access_exclusive LONG count Basic Access exclusive lock count Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG checkpoint_write_time LONG miliseconds Basic Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are written to disk, in milliseconds Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG checkpoint_sync_time LONG miliseconds Basic Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are synchronized to disk, in milliseconds Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG buffers_checkpoint LONG count Basic Number of buffers written during checkpoints Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG buffers_clean LONG count Basic Number of buffers written by the background writer Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG buffers_backend LONG count Basic Number of buffers written directly by a backend Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG buffers_backend_fsync LONG count Basic Number of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG buffers_alloc LONG count Basic Number of buffers allocated Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG replication_lag FLOAT seconds Basic Replication delay Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG database_size LONG bytes Basic, Default Database size Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG slowquery LONG count Basic, Default Number of slow queries being performed for more than 1 second Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG buffer_hit_ratio FLOAT % Basic buffer cache hit ratio Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG pg_up INTEGER - Basic Database Up if it's 1, database down if it's 0. Min1,Min5,Min30,Hour2,Day1 AVG - Dimension
Dimension name Data type instanceNo STRING
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